Penile extender devices have been used and recommended by top doctors, urologists and Andrologists for permanent penis enlargement and curvature straightening in Peyronies condition.
A penis extender is a medical device prescribed by doctors for non-surgical penis enlargement. The penis extender device uses the clinically proven technique of traction to naturally increase size of the penis.
Medically approved, Clinically Proven Traction Method
The penile traction device therapy is clinically proven, medically approved for permanent penis enlargement and straightening of bent penis.
Penis extender devices have been in the American and European market for more than 25 years. The ProExtender device has first introduced in India in the year 2008.
The ProExtender device is actively being prescribed and recommended by top doctors, urologists and Andrologist in India.
Historical Evidence: Ancient Principle, Modern Approach
You may or may not be familiar with the tribal importance of male genitalia and penis size.As well as the importance of the size of other limbs.
Historically tribes have used weights and other instruments to stretch body parts, whether it be lips, ears, and even the penis. Ancient tribal groups have been known to attach stones to the penis to provide a gentle stretch, over time this increases penis size. What they discovered, without knowing why it worked, is that the gradually applied stimulation of traction, or stretching, actually encourages growth and expansion of tissue cells.
The growth or change is permanent. The penis extender uses these ancient and proven techniques to provide penis enlargement.
ProExtender penis enlargement device is medically and clinically acclaimed and proven to increase size.
It creates calibrated traction force, due to which the cells in penis tissue first expand in size and then slowly and gradually multiply in number.
This results in enlargement of the penis size. The results achieved by using the product are permanent.
The latest generation model of the Proextender product with comfort strap technology is devised to improve blood circulation to the penis. This results in enhanced libido and sexual performance. The product works for men of any age, race and body type. The principle behind the working of Proextender traction device is very simple and ensures the best results for male enhancement.
Proextender is designed to exert the right amount of tension to the penis, gradually increasing over the period of time in a controlled easy manner.