How to wear Proextender?

how to wear proextender

For the best results it is important that you wear the Proextender device correctly and regularly as prescribed. This guide teaches you how to wear the Proextender device on the penis.

Time needed: 2 minutes.

How to wear Proextender System device correctly?

  1. Measure your penis size correctly.

    Measure the size of your penis correctly before you start using the Proextender.

  2. Adjust device length

    Adjust the size of the device according to your penis size.

  3. Add elongation bars

    Add elongation rods to the device if required.

  4. Attach front base plate

    Attach the base plate to the front of the device.

  5. Wear protective foam padding

    Insert the penis through the basal ring and wear protective padding onto the penis.

  6. Wear comfort strap

    Wear the strap and tighten it against the device.

  7. Adjust direction

    Adjust the device in upward or downward direction.

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